The Journey to Faith

Main Thought

Two of Jesus’ disciples went on a short, seven-mile journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Jesus appeared to them on this journey and kept them from recognizing Him. He then began to explain the gospel through the Old Testament. We learn an important truth in this moment: we can encounter Jesus throughout scripture. The Old Testament conceals truths about Christ that the New Testament eventually reveals. Here are a few examples of that. Jesus is the ultimate ark who saves humanity from God’s wrath, like Noah’s ark saved him from the flood. He is the perfect lamb who was qualified to pay the price for humanity’s sins. He is the greater David, who slayed the giants of Sin and Death.

Our faith in God grows when we encounter Jesus throughout scripture. These encounters fill us with hope, even when we walk through difficult parts of life’s journey. Then, our encounters with Jesus can become testimonies to others. Let’s pursue the person of Christ in scripture. If we do, then we will be filled with passion for Him.

Main Passages

"And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself."

- Luke 24:27

"They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'"

- Luke 24:32

"Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread."

- Luke 24:35

Discussion Questions

  1. What stands out to you in the Main Thought and Passages above?

  2. Think about your favorite Old Testament story or scripture. How might the people, places, or events in that story remind you of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

  3. How has something you’ve learned about Jesus - His life, His character, His gospel, etc. - helped you through a difficult moment in life’s journey?