Colossians 3: Bible Study

Read Colossians 3

  • What stood out to you most after reading this chapter in the Bible?

Reflect on these questions

  • In verses 5-9, Paul uses clear, emphatic, and decisive language to describe how we as Christians treat sin in our lives. His statements can be translated to english phrases like “put to death,” “rid yourselves of,” and “completely strip off.”

    • Which words or phrases about removing sin stand out to you most, and why?

  • Verses 12-17 includes a list of qualities and behaviors that Christians should grow in over time. Yet this “to-do list” only comes after a statement on our identity in Christ. Verse 12 begins like this: “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved…”

    • Why do you think the Holy Spirit led Paul to remind the Colossians of their Christian identity before giving them a list of Christian qualities and activities?

Respond with faith in action

  • Read verse 10 again. Here, Paul uses the phrase “putting on the new self” to describe a kind of growth that involves our intentional, consistent participation as we grow from one stage or level of faith to the next.

    • What habits or practices can you adopt to grow into new, higher, or more developed stages or levels in your relationship with God?