Colossians 2: Bible Study

Read Colossians 2

  • What stood out to you most after reading this chapter in the Bible?

Reflect on these questions

  • In Colossians 2:6-7, Paul uses three different things as analogies for the Christian life. They are walking, being rooted (like a tree), and building on a firm foundation.

    • Which of these three analogies is your favorite, and why?

  • In verses 2:4 and 2:8, we see that Paul’s primary concern when writing to the Colossians was addressing a variety of ideas that people were attempting to blend with their Christian faith, in spite of Christianity’s clear claims to exclusivity (John 14:6; Acts 4:12) and ideological supremacy (Colossians 1:15-20; 2:9-11)?

    • Why can it be so tempting to blend the world’s ideas, values, and standards with our Christian faith, even when these things contradict one another?

Respond with faith in action

  • In verses 2:9-11, Paul echoes Colossians 1:15-20 and uses the gospel to present Jesus as vastly superior to competing thoughts that were creeping into the Colossian Church. (These include early Gnosticism, Greek mythology, and Jewish legalism.) All of our greatest spiritual needs are met in Jesus; therefore, we should live in a way that allows us to stay connected to Him. In Colossians 2:16-23, Paul unpacks that principle in the context of the Colossians’ daily lives.

    • How can you live in a way that allows you to deepen your connection with Christ, and depend on Him for all you need?

    • What changes or adjustments can you make?