"Pass the Salt" Discussion Guide

Main Thought

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus proclaimed that His followers would be the “salt of the earth.” What does that mean?First, there’s nothing that can duplicate salt’s flavor. It’s unique and it goes with almost anything. In a similar way, there’s nothing like the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone needs it, and Christ’s followers are called to share it! There is no substitute. A second meaning communicated by Christ’s salt analogy lies in salt’s use as a preservative. For ages, salt was used to preserve meats and other foods. Christians are meant to be a preservative of the earth: in becoming and behaving like Christ, our lifestyles and values help to slow the moral and spiritual decay of the world. If we do not do these things, then we have lost our unique purpose in the world - just like salt that lost its flavor.

Main Passages

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
- Matthew 5:13

Discussion Questions

  1. Salt preserves things. Christians slow the moral and spiritual decay of the world around them through their words and lives. Have you ever impacted the situation around you because you walked out your faith? What happened?

  2. Salt enhances flavor in a unique way. Christians bring the Gospel, which is unique in its message and its power to save those who hear it, to those around them. Who have you brought the Gospel to recently?


  1. Be salt in the way you live, and by sharing the Gospel. If good things start to happen because you’re behaving as salt, then share with your group throughout the week!