"Thanksgiving and Gratitude"

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
- Luke 17:11-19 (NIV)

Thanksgiving and gratitude is the foundation of our worship

7 Hebrew words translated as “praise”

  1. Todah - A Thanksgiving choir

  2. Barak - To kneel in Thanksgiving

  3. Tehillah - To sing a song of thanksgiving

  4. Halal - to give thanks by being clamorously foolish

  5. Yadah - to give thanks with extended hands

  6. Zamar - to give thanks with a musical instrument

  7. Shabach - to give thanks in a loud tone

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
- Psalm 100:4

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
- William Arthur Ward

Gratitude towards small things leads to miracles.

4 Now the rabble that was among them had a strong craving. And the people of Israel also wept again and said, “Oh that we had meat to eat!5 We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. 6 But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at.”
7 Now the manna was like coriander seed, and its appearance like that of bdellium. 8 The people went about and gathered it and ground it in handmills or beat it in mortars and boiled it in pots and made cakes of it. And the taste of it was like the taste of cakes baked with oil. 9 When the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell with it.
- Numbers 11:4-7 (ESV)

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
- Oprah Winfrey

God multiplies what we are truly thankful for

14 When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. 15 Now when it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a desolate place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” 16 But Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” 17 They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” 18 And he said, “Bring them here to me.” 19 Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.20 And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. 21 And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.
- Matthew 14:13-21 (ESV)

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” Robert Brault