Main Thought
James wrote this letter to the believers in his time to challenge them to live out their faith: to not just hear the Word, but do it. The goal of Bible-reading and study is application, not information. We can be hearers who forget or doers who act, but the Bible promises the doers will be blessed (James 1:25). Because Christians are saved by grace through faith, we know that “doing” can not lead or add to our salvation. However, as Christians, we can now put our faith into action and practice true religion: serve the poor and afflicted, and guard against impurity.
Main Passages
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
- James 1:27
- Recall an instance in which you helped a stranger, and share it with us.
- Who are the poor and afflicted in your community? How can you serve them?
- What is one thing you need to do starting this week to keep yourself unstained from the world?